We’re not going to let this moment slip by unthanked.

2 min readAug 27, 2020

Let’s take a moment today to recognize the moment of our lifetime.

We have been through… a lot.

Like, a lot, a lot.

But, as we hunkered down and leaned on those who weren’t allowed to, because it became their jobs not only to save our lives but our way of life, what was the best we could do for them?


We clapped for those who went, overnight, from workers to essential workers.

Not wanted, not necessary, essential.

That’s a word we reserve for things like… air… and water.

And all we could do was wait for 7pm, every night, to hear each other clap.

Having to settle for keeping our gratitude at a distance, all we knew from those inspiring sounds was that we cared.

We didn’t know if those who needed to hear us did, or if they were OK.

If they were going to be OK.

So, on 7/7 at 7pm, a home was built.

Just as the cheers were fading, we grabbed what was left of that gratitude baton and created a space.

A space for those too essential to be left unthanked, and for the rest of us too disconnected to know how to thank them.

A way to connect personally and directly, so that it wasn’t just a gesture, but actually giving back.

So thanks can be more than thanks; it can be messages, written on digital pedestals, so others can know who and why we’re thanking them, and thank them as well.

And we gave every message weight. Formed in the shape of Hearts, they can be worth a little or a lot, but however many you send and whatever intent you send with them, they can become whatever they need to be.

So we can thank how we think best, and those we deem essential can receive how they need most.

In other words, we believe real gratitude, the kind with feeling and heart, should be as essential as they are.

So we’re making it our mission to make sure nothing stands in thank’s way.

That way is called SendThanksNow.

And it’s yours for the thanking.




Written by SendThanksNow

Thank anyone, anywhere, for anything with the world's only gratitude network.

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